How Many Funds Make an Ideal Portfolio?



Building a well-diversified investment portfolio is crucial for long-term financial success.

One common question that investors often ask is how many funds they should include in their portfolio.

While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, this article aims to explore the factors to consider when determining the ideal number of funds for an investment portfolio.

Understanding Diversification
Diversification is a risk management strategy that involves spreading investments across different asset classes, sectors, and geographical regions. The primary goal is to reduce exposure to any single investment and minimize the potential impact of market volatility.

When constructing a diversified portfolio, investors should typically select funds that offer exposure to different types of assets, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities.

Factors to Consider
1. Investment Goals: The number of funds in a portfolio should align with your investment goals. For example, a long-term investor focused on wealth accumulation may choose a larger number of funds to capture diverse growth opportunities. On the other hand, a conservative investor with capital preservation as the main objective might opt for a smaller number of funds with lower risk profiles.

2. Risk Tolerance: Your tolerance for risk plays a significant role in determining the number of funds in your portfolio. Aggressive investors willing to take on higher risk may have a larger number of funds, including those with exposure to emerging markets or small-cap stocks. Conversely, conservative investors may prefer a more limited number of funds, with a focus on stable and established companies.

3. Time and Effort: Managing a portfolio can require time and effort. Consider how much time you can dedicate to researching, monitoring, and rebalancing your investments. If you have limited time or lack the necessary expertise, a smaller number of funds or index/exchange-traded funds (ETF) might be more suitable.

4. Fund Overlap: It is essential to evaluate the overlap between funds in your portfolio. Investing in multiple funds that hold similar securities may lead to overexposure and defeat the purpose of diversification. Analyze the underlying holdings and asset allocations of each fund to ensure they complement one another.

5. Cost Considerations: Each fund comes with expenses, including management fees and other administrative costs. As the number of funds increases, so does the overall cost of managing the portfolio. It is important to weigh the benefits of diversification against the associated expenses to ensure they align with your investment strategy.

Finding the Balance
Achieving the right balance in portfolio diversification is key. It is often recommended to strike a balance between the benefits of diversification and the complexity of managing multiple funds. Here are some approaches to consider:

a. Core-Satellite Approach: This strategy involves a core portfolio of broad-based funds that provide exposure to major asset classes, complemented by satellite funds that focus on specific sectors or investment themes. The core funds provide stability and long-term growth potential, while satellite funds offer additional diversification and the potential for higher returns.

b. Passive Funds: Investing in index funds and/or ETFs can simplify the process. These funds pool money from multiple investors and invest so as to mimic the underlying index e.g. Nifty 50, Sensex 30, Nifty Next 50 etc. Since they track the index they don't need active fund management, thereby saving you the time and effort of selecting and monitoring actively-managed funds.

c. Hybrid Funds: Another option is investing in asset allocation funds, also known as hybrid funds. These funds invest in a given mix of equity, debt and gold and automatically adjust their asset allocation from time to time based market performance. They provide a one-stop solution for diversification, as they invest in a mix of different asset classes.

While, there is no definitive answer to how many funds make an ideal portfolio, following the aforesaid approach, you can create an portfolio that is 'ideal' for you that can help you comfortably achieve your financial goals.