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Importance of Investing in a Mediclaim Policy

Life is uncertain. Though you may wish for life to go on smoothly, there may be numerous untoward instances along the way.

There may be chances of contracting a medical condition or a disease that requires hospitalization. During such unavoidable circumstances, you may have to make out-of-pocket expenses to meet your medical bills.

Given the ever-increasing medical inflation, receiving treatment is indeed an expensive affair.

Understanding mediclaim plans
In order to financially protect yourself from high medical expenses, you may invest in a mediclaim insurance policy. 

Such an insurance plan provides coverage for hospitalization bills, surgeries, and treatments, besides others. 

Health plans help you focus on your health, instead of worrying about making last-minute arrangement for cash.

Benefits of purchasing a health insurance

1. Coverage against health conditions and lifestyle diseases
In this highly polluted environment, it becomes more than necessary to have health insurance coverage.

A polluted environment increases the risk of contracting numerous diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary cancer, pneumonia, and bronchitis, besides many others. A health insurance plan provides coverage against such diseases.

Besides, such a policy also offers financial coverage against lifestyle diseases like stroke, atherosclerosis, and heart problems, besides others.

Health Insurance : Secure the well-being of your loved ones and live a stress-free life.

2. Coverage against hospitalization expenses
Health insurance policies cover all costs related to hospitalization.

This includes room rent charges, doctor’s consultation fees, nursing charges, medicines, and Intensive Care Unit (ICU) charges, besides others. Such insurance plans also cover expenses incurred before hospitalization and post-hospitalization.

You may pay the amount and then seek a reimbursement. Alternatively, you may avail of cashless treatment, wherein the insurance provider settles the bill with the hospital.

3. Additional coverage for family members
Apart from covering yourself, you may seek health coverage for your spouse, dependent parents, or dependent children. This provides peace of mind knowing that your family members are protected at all times.

You may either purchase a standalone plan or a mediclaim policy for family.

4. Tax benefits
There are tax benefits on premiums paid under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

The maximum limit for premiums paid for self, spouse and children is Rs.25,000 and additional Rs.25,000 for dependent parents. In case if any covered individual is a senior citizen, i.e. over 60 years of age, you may enjoy tax deductions of up to INR 30,000.

The rising medical costs is indeed a huge concern. An absence of a mediclaim policy will result in a huge financial strain. It is, therefore, recommended to invest in such a plan and enjoy the numerous benefits it has to offer.

You may either walk into your nearest branch, or apply for an online health insurance plan. Purchasing a mediclaim policy from the Internet provides a great degree of convenience as you may apply from anywhere, and at anytime.

So, live a stress-free life and secure the well-being of your loved ones by simply investing in a mediclaim policy.

Disclaimer : This is a Sponsored Post.

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