Every time you opt for a credit card
Every time you avail a loan
Every time you add a credit card or a loan
In fact, every time you "even inquire" about a loan or a credit card
...a note is made into your Credit Report and your Credit Score gets affected
Every time you delay your loan/credit card payments
Every time you pay only the minimum balance on your credit card
Every time you enter into a settlement with your bank
Every time you utilize your credit card limit to the max
Every time you stand guarantee to someone's loan and that person defaults
...a note is made into your Credit Report and your Credit Score gets affected
It started in 2001 with CIBIL keeping a record of your financial history. Now, 3 more companies have joined the fray...Experian, Equifax and Highmark
High Credit Score will ensure that you get your loans — easy and cheap.
A bad Credit Score will create many problems...no loans in the future or at high interest rates.
Moreover, apart from banks, other entities are joining the group that first looks at your Credit Report. This may soon mean no mobile connection, higher insurance premiums...even job rejections...and much more.
Hence, it is in your best interest to ensure that your Credit Score remains high.
Every time you avail a loan
Every time you add a credit card or a loan
In fact, every time you "even inquire" about a loan or a credit card
...a note is made into your Credit Report and your Credit Score gets affected
Every time you delay your loan/credit card payments
Every time you pay only the minimum balance on your credit card
Every time you enter into a settlement with your bank
Every time you utilize your credit card limit to the max
Every time you stand guarantee to someone's loan and that person defaults
...a note is made into your Credit Report and your Credit Score gets affected
It started in 2001 with CIBIL keeping a record of your financial history. Now, 3 more companies have joined the fray...Experian, Equifax and Highmark
High Credit Score will ensure that you get your loans — easy and cheap.
A bad Credit Score will create many problems...no loans in the future or at high interest rates.
Moreover, apart from banks, other entities are joining the group that first looks at your Credit Report. This may soon mean no mobile connection, higher insurance premiums...even job rejections...and much more.
Hence, it is in your best interest to ensure that your Credit Score remains high.