You can become rich...very rich...if...

Fact 1: Millions of people fall prey to scams quite regularly; millions suffer financial problems despite earning good money; millions are saddled with needless products due to rampant mis-selling; millions don’t know how to handle their money in an informed manner.

Fact 2: There are many aspects to your Personal Finance such as Savings, Investments, Borrowing, Spending, etc. Further, there are a plethora of financial products available for each of these categories. All have their own set of pros and cons. Therefore, even the best of the financial experts will specialize in just a few areas.

Fact 3: There is no dearth of unscrupulous and shady people who wouldn’t even think twice before swindling you.

Given this scenario, financial literacy — the knowledge to handle your personal finances appropriately, effectively and efficiently — has become a necessity today.

You would do well if you keep the following basic tenets at the back of your mind as you work towards becoming financially literate.

* Lack of financial knowledge will almost surely result in a financial failure
* There’s no hurry. Managing money is a lifelong activity. So even if you have to spend a few years to pick up the lessons, it is still worth it.
* It is definitely not impossible
* Go step by step, product by product and scheme by scheme.
* Whether you are 18 or 80, it’s never too late
* Whether you are rich or poor, it does not matter
* Whether you are educated or not, it is immaterial
* You don’t have to become an expert. You should, however, be well-versed to make prudent decisions on day-to-day basis, understand what others say and not be fooled by fraudsters.

It is not just sufficient to earn good manage it well is much more important to becoming and staying wealthy.